Balada KL-YES #2: Terus, Aku Harus Apa?

Hai! Ini Kanya.

Kalian pernah tidak merasa hidup tanpa punya arah yang jelas, tujuan semakin jauh, dan produktifitas semakin menurun?

Well, aku lagi ngerasain hal itu sekarang. Tadi sore, salah satu teman dekatku bilang, "Sejarah dan biologi kamu remedial, lho. Sekarang matematika juga. Ada apa sebenarnya?"

And, yup, that really hit me. Nggak, dia nggak ngomong hal itu serius. Maksudku, dia bahkan nggak tahu gimana nilai-nilaiku di sekolah. Tapi apa yang dia katakan, anehnya, benar.

Ada apa, sih, sama aku?

So I decided to work on my daily schedule again.

Mungkin ini juga bisa jadi salah satu jawaban buat pertanyaan-pertanyaan kalian: "Apa sih yang harus dilakuin supaya bisa lulus pertukaran pelajar? Tips dan trik, dong!"

Jadi menurutku, dari awal sekali, kalian harus menetapkan tujuan. Niat kalian ikut pertukaran pelajar apa? Ke mana negara yang kalian ingin, negara bagiannya apa, dan kenapa? Apa aja yang harus kalian lakuin buat memenuhi prasyarat pendaftaran? Waktu seleksi administrasi, kira-kira hal apa yang bisa bikin berkas kalian nggak hanya "lolos", tapi "menarik" di mata orang lain? Kalau wawancara, kira-kira apa saja hal yang boleh dan nggak boleh kalian lakukan?

Aku juga nggak bisa kasih jawaban pasti karena aku sendiri cuma peserta yang kebetulan lolos, cuma, percayalah. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan kecil di atas yang kalian renung-renungkan buat diri sendiri di jam dua pagi bakalan membimbing jalan kalian. Banget.

Kayaknya itu dulu buat hari ini. It's getting late. Aku bakal ngelanjutin tidur aku.

Ciao, bella.

Hi, it's Kanya.

Have you ever felt like your life has no purpose, your aim getting even further, and your productivity keeps dropping?

Well, I'm in that phase right now. This afternoon, one of my close friends said, "Your history and biology got remedial, you know. Now math too. What's the matter?"

And, yup, that really hit me. No, he didn't say it with the purpose to hurt me. I mean, he doesn't even know how my grades were at school. But what he said was, oddly enough, true.

What's the matter with me?

I don't even know. So, I decided to work on my daily schedule again.

Maybe this can also be one of the answers to your questions: "What do I have to do to pass the student exchange test? Tips and tricks, please."

So in my opinion, from the very beginning, you have to set your goals. What are your plans for the student exchange program? Which country do you want, what state, and why? What do you have to do to complete the requirements of the registration? During the administrative selection, what do you think that able to make your file not only "pass", but "attractive" in the eyes of judges? In the interview, what are the things that you should and shouldn't do?

I can't give a definite answer because I'm just a participant who surprisingly happened to pass these tests. But, trust me: the basic questions above that you overthought for yourself at two in the morning will be able to show you the path. And, I'm dead serious.

I guess that's all for today. It's getting late. I will continue my sleep.

Ciao, Bella.


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